Tuesday, February 23, 2010


A- "That is not how you ask, young lady. You need to use your manners"
M- "I already did lose my manners free times, and you still not listened to me! Ugh"
A - "That is true, baby. Daddy hasn't listened to you. I'm sorry for not listening. But, you need to use a nice-girl voice all the time, ok?"
M -"Ok, Daddy, if you lose your listening ears I will lose my nice-girl voice"

haha... I love them.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Have to Read a What?

This explains my job to a "T"... and I only teach 9 year olds.


On my way to work this morning, a little bird flew out from the brush on the side of the road. Sadly, it did a head-on with the car, and bounced up in to a pile of snow. I absolutely hate hitting animals, and in my period of grief, I had to call my husband.

Me: Hey, babe, I'm really upset
AT: Why, what's wrong? Is everything OK?
Me: Yeah, everything is fine... I just feel bad because I hit a bird, and watched it bounce up in to a pile of snow on the side of the road.
AT: You're upset because you hit a bird?!?!
Me: YES! This is only the second animal that I've ever hit. I actually cried when I hit the rabbit, at least I'm not crying!
AT: Babe, it's really, OK. I mean, it's just a bird. You did population control.
Me: But, what if it was a mama bird, now her babies will die!
AT: Ummm... it's winter, baby birds aren't born in the winter
Me: Well... she could have eggs laid already, and maybe she was sitting on them so they will hatch this spring
AT: Then, they will become cat food
Me: You're really not making me feel better about murdering a bird with a car
AT: Hun, it's the circle of life
Me: Oh, so you're telling me that my fate is getting smacked by a car? That makes me feel tons better!
AT: All I can really do to that comment is laugh. You're nuts, you know that? But I love you!

Will Work For Food....

KEURIG! I have so decided that I need, ok maybe more want, a Keurig desperately. While it isn't in our monthly budget plan, I am going to work until I find a way to purchase one. I start a new diet tomorrow, and I have to drink coffee every day. My coffee-brewing skills totally suck, so I have decided I need a machine that will make great tasting coffee for me to enjoy every single day. All I have to do is find a way to get one!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Fe Fi Fo Fum

My child {you know, the sweet, cute, darling, innocent, crazy one I blog about on a regular basis} was having a conversation with her father Wednesday evening. After a little while, she decided to start pushing some buttons {surprise, surprise} to see what she could get away with. Her dad told her that she absolutely could not do what she had asked to do (I don't remember exactly what it was). She stopped, waited for a second, and you could just see the light-bulb go *BING* in her little head. She proceeded to hold up her fist, and ball one finger up at a time while saying "Feeee Fiiiiii Foooooo Fuuummmmm YOU BETTER RUN", and then she shook her fist at him. What.A.NUT.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

can't w8

tomorrow afternoon... at 3:30 (maybe earlier if we have another snow day, and i can make an earlier appointment).... this is what i am impatiently waiting for... so excited... so ready... giddy beyond belief.... :o) i'll update tomorrow, as soon as i know all the details.

{My} Perfect Vday

My boy knew exactly what I needed to make this Vday perfect. He was 100% spot on with what he provided for my day. So glad he knows me, my needs, and wants! :o)

Friday, February 12, 2010

toddler ter-mi-nol-o-gy

our girl says things that crack us up all the time. i thought i'd share some of her cute, twisted, toddler ways of saying some things....

real word ............... munch's word

Courtney Browning (her BFF)...................Courtney the Brownie {love this one}
Dora the Explorer...................................... Dora 'Spora
McDonalds................................................. Dick Monalds
Dentist ........................................................Dat old man
Toes............................................................ Toesies
Thumb......................................................... Sum
No, thank you............................................. No, dank you
Excuse me................................................. A'scuse me
Three.......................................................... Free
Birthday...................................................... Bolsday
He's Got the Whole World (the song)..... Whole Bum
Heavenly Father........................................ Heabenly Faller
Remember................................................ Renember
Vanilla....................................................... Vamilla
Yogurt........................................................ Logurt
Bath........................................................... Bass
Water........................................................ Waler

Chap Stick .............................................. Fish Stick
Singulair (allergy meds)......................... Singulator
Vacuum ....................................................Vackingyoom
Lollipop..................................................... Wollypop

that's all the cuteness i can think of for now... if i remember anymore of them, i'll post them later.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

mY cHiLdReN {in the form of a blurb-y quote}

"you know, my children just do not listen. dey do not do what i ask dem to do. i can't believe dey never listen to me. ugh. dey really really never, ever listen. and den, i just have to freak out"

this came from the mouth of my child... i never knew she had children, but she talks about them all the time. and, i'm glad they aren't mine... cuz they seriously never listen. like ever.

who knew?

i learned a little lesson from my kiddo tonight while i was brushing her teeth. i was telling her that we need to take her to a dentist, and explained that a dentist is a doctor for your teeth. i figured it is about time, considering she'll be 3 in two weeks. while i was telling her about the dentist, i could see her little brain churning. then, she tells me, "oh, mama, you mean da old doctor dat checks my mouf? yeah... i just tell da old doctor when he tells me to open my mouf dat i don't haves any animals in my teeeesss. and den he goes away!"

i think i am going to try this tactic when i go back to the dentist, and he harps on me for not getting my root canal done. i'll just tell him that i don't have any animals in my teeth, and he'll go away. who knew it was that easy?!?!

My Week in Review

We have had almost a total of two weeks off from school. Here are some things I've done to keep myself busy (or the lack thereof):

*mopped the kitchen floor twice (you can eat off of it, seriously)
* wiped down all the surfaces in the kitchen
* watched my husband freak out when the dishwasher decided it doesn't want to work anymore (being that it's only a couple years old, that sucks... but my husband knew it wasn't installed right and did nothing about it, so it's kinda his fault, too)
* spent mega time with my girl and boy
* watched my child dance to all of her songs
* cleaned and rearranged the munch's bedroom
* spent time with our faves
* cooked some pretty awesome dinners
* set up a meeting for tomorrow morning (this would mean that i actually want to miss school tomorrow) that has a massive potential to change the rest of my life {yay}
* been totally, hatefully nasty to my husband .... i'll leave it at the fact that i was overcome by *something* and every once in a while, that something causes me to act like a polar opposite of myself... it's not an excuse, and i apologized in an immense way... but it's the truth
* almost had to find a new home
* spent wayyyyyyyyy too much time on facebook
* read
* did devotions more than my usual
* was lazzzzzyyyyyyyyy
* helped my kid make her garden stepping stones for both sets of grandparents for their Christmas presents
* worked a bit for my second job
* got addicted to judge judy
* bummed around in jammies wayy too much
* decided i MUST buy autocrat coffee syrup as soon as i get paid
* picked out my scents for my next goat milk soap purchase cuz i'm down to my last bar (can't wait)
* contemplated calling the candle store in lititz, pa, and getting a couple more candles ordered for when we go up cuz we're almost out of them, too, and they are my guilty pleasure
* didn't exercise once cuz the Y was closed, or else i had other *issues* :/
* wish i would have done more, but am kinda happy with what we got accomplished

and, that's enough for now!!! :o)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Whataya Want From Me

A friend and I were having a conversation about music the other day, and I mentioned that I love Adam Lambert's "Whataya Want From Me". It's a great song. Like great, great song. I'm surprised I actually like it because the screeching and stuff drove me nuts when I watched Idol. I digress.... The next comment out of her mouth kinda threw me for a loop. She said, "Well, with you being a Christian and all, shouldn't you be against him and his music because he's flamboyantly gay?" I didn't really know what to say, and kind of just left it alone. I'm the type of person who thinks of the great response after the conversation is over. I need time to process my thoughts to give a good, solid answer, or in some cases a good slam. After thinking about her question, it really started to irritate me. Just because I like a certain kind of music or a certain artist doesn't mean I'm a "bad Christian". The music nor liking the person singing the lyrics makes me any different of a Christian. I don't go out and worship them or act on any of the lyrics that I hear. I still worship God, and strive to put Him first in my life. No music or person is going to change that aspect of my life.

Then, I got to thinking of another answer I could have used. I like all kinds of music... from country, r&b, hip-hop, rock, alternative, sometimes punk, Christian... all kinds.... and no artist from any of those genres is any different because they are all sinners. You can't tell me that the members of MercyMe, DCTalk, Selah (you get the point) are perfect people just because they sing Christian music and lead Christian lives. We are all sinners regardless. Adam Lambert's being gay is the same in God's eyes as someone else's lies, jealousy, whatever. The only being that is perfect is Our Great King... and nobody else can come close to Him in any way, shape, or form. Plus, who am I to judge Adam Lambert about being gay and his flamboyant-ness? I'm a sinner, and I do things I'm ashamed of all the time. I have no stinking right to judge him and how he chooses to lead his life. I have homosexual family members, does that mean I don't love them and won't support them? No. Would their lifestyle suit me? No, but who am I to judge them?

So.... I am going to carry on liking Beyonce, Adam Lambert, Jay Sean, MercyMe, Rascal Flatts, Lady Antebellum, U2, whoever I please... because they don't change me or change the relationship with the One I desire.

Bye, Bye Miss American Pie Spring Break :(

the hubs just texted me (i'm finally getting some hours in for my extra job(s)... thank goodness), and told me that we do not have school again tomorrow. i seriously don't think we're ever going back to school. tomorrow will be our seventh day being off... this is starting to get a little frustrating. i'm guessing we are going to have to say goodbye to our spring break... which will kill me because we were going to go to PA for a good chunk of that week. and there are times when i just need to go home. by april, it will be one of the times that i need to go home. plus, the students (and teachers) not having a break from february to the second week of june does not sound appealing in the least, either. they're having a meeting on wednesday to figure out how we're going to make up all of these days. i'm keeping my fingers, toes, eyes, arms, and legs crossed that we do not have saturday school and we do not lose our spring break. we'll see how much all of this crossing works!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Suck It Up

Have you ever been at the point in your life where you want something so badly, and you know that it is up to you, and only you, to get this specific "something" done? Nobody else can do it but you. Nobody can make you do it, you need to find the willpower and stick-to-it-ness inside yourself, and just get it done. I am at that point right now. I have a major, major goal that I want and need to accomplish. It's a pretty major thing that needs to be taken care of, too. I know that I can only do this myself... nobody can tell me that I have to do it, and nobody can make me do it, either. I'm the only living being that I can count on to get this taken care of, and what I'll get out of it is the amount of effort I put in to it. For the last couple years, I have started and stopped, done really well and then just put no effort forth what-so-ever. I'm kind of like a roller-coaster train wreck. If I don't see exactly what I want to see happening, I'm done. I get frustrated, overwhelmed, and mad... then I give up. I need to change those behaviors because everything is riding on me, on my head. I'm the only party responsible for my actions, and whether I get done what I need to do. So, it is basically time for me to suck it up, realize I am in this for the long haul, set small goals, accomplish them, and reach my biggest goal. It will be amazing when it finally comes. But, I cannot give up and throw in the towel. When I get frustrated, I can't just crash and burn.. I've got to pick up where I left myself, and just keep going. Cuz if I quit, there will be nobody who can make me change my ways, and force me to do this. It's kind of scary realizing that I cannot rely on anyone else to help me get this done (here in the physical world.. like, I cannot have someone in my face yelling at me telling me what I need to do), and that I have myself (the person who has given up so.many.times.) to rely on to accomplish this goal. When I suck it up and just do this, I am also proving that I believe that God is going to carry me through everything. Because He is seriously the only One, besides my willpower-less self, who can get me where I need to be. Your prayers will also greatly help, too, and will be greatly, greatly appreciated!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Letter ~ Take Three

Dear Snow,

I am writing this letter to you to find out if you are ever going to stop falling? Like, ever ever? I enjoyed you the for the first 10 inches you blanketed us with in December. It was really pretty. And, it also didn't cause us to change our plans for Christmas. I, the silly person that I am, thought you would be done with us down here; because let's face it, we usually just get ice in this part of the state. But, no, you had other plans. You decided to pile another 10-15 inches on us last weekend. This, in turn, caused us to miss an entire week of school, caused me to not get my hours in for my second/third job(s), and made me kind of go a little stir-crazy. Five days stuck in your house is quite a lot, don't you think? However, you still found it necessary to give us yet another 10 inches this weekend (so far, including some sleet, too). I predict this will cause us to be out of school again until at least Wednesday, maybe more. And, now, I have two weekends, yes, two short weekends (depending on whether you decide to dump on us again next weekend), to get my entire 40 hours of work in from my two extra jobs to meet my hour requirement for the month. That is going to kick my hiney. So, snow, I am begging, even pleading, for you to stop. Please? My spring break is probably going to be ruined, on top of the extra money I need to pay our bills. If you loved me at all, you would just decide to taper off, and let no more flakes fall. If it starts icing on Tuesday, I will have a letter ready for the ice, too.

Thank You Kindly,
A Stir-Crazy, Batty Woman

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Future B.E.P. in Da House

To begin this post, I have to admit that I like to listen to R&B, Hip-Hop, and Rap every once-in-a-while... especially when I work out. My munchkin has figured out how to get my I-pod to work, and puts the earphones in her little ears and dances in to oblivion. She's going to be an insane dancer one of these days. You just wait and see. I digress...

Here is the scene at our house last night (we've had 3 snow days so far, and we're all going a little stir crazy, which doesn't help the situation): The munchkin goes to the sweeper, pulls off one of the extensions to help you reach clear down in the couch, chair, etc, and starts swaying back and forth. She uses the sweeper extension as a microphone. Then, she starts belting out words. "I gotta feeling... that tonight's gonna be a good night, that tonight's gonna be a good night, that tonight's gonna be a good, good, night... oooooooo hhhoooooooo" and so on. She even sings the correct amount of times before you say "good, good night". She also likes to sing country, and belts "Big, Green Tractor" with the best of them, and spices it up with a little "Single Ladies" by Beyonce. We don't need to go to any concerts when we have a future Black Eyed Pea in the house, or a country or R&B star. Take your pick... she's cute enough to draw in a ton of fans, too!! Ha.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

random thought

since when is sex needed to sell cereal? seriously general mills??? just had to get that off my mind. it's sad what this world is coming to, really.

Monday, February 1, 2010


My Gram (dad's mom) has told me for years that it is important to take care of my skin. We are talking about a lady who washes her face twice a day (morning and night), then she reapplies makeup after each face wash. Her motto is "You never know what time of day you are going to have to see someone. If you have to go to the hospital in the middle of the night, you want your face to look good, at least!" I wish I would have listened to her, and heeded her advice. Now that I am 30 (still, yikes), I am really regretting that I have chosen not to do so. However, it's better to start now than never, so I have gotten myself some products to help me take better care of my skin. Well, the Clinique isn't new, it's just been unused mostly up until this point. From now on, I am washing my face twice a day, and doing St. Ives Apricot scrub every 3 days. It feels so good on my skin... sloshing off the dead skin cells makes everything feel so soft and smooth. Here's to hoping that my new "about face" attitude works... taking care of my skin can't hurt!


I got an e-card from my dad today. I guess I should have prefaced this with the fact that tomorrow is my **gulp** thirtieth birthday. Wow, does that sound weird. I'm not in my twenties any more. Yikes!!! Anywho.. I got a lovely e-card from my dad, and it made me tear up. Here is what it said:

In all the world there's only one you
You have a laugh, a smile
A heart that noone else can duplicate or replace
That's because you are a special creation of God
He formed you with His hand and loves you with all His heart
You are a blessing to those around you
And your life is a wonderful reason to thank God
Happy Birthday

Then, the message he sent was this:
Dear B
We are so very proud of you and the fantastic Christian woman you have become. We thank the Lord for blessing our lives with you. Have a GREAT BIRTHDAY!

We Love You,
Mom and Dad

Things like that make me happy. And, it's also nice to know that people can see God shining through me, even when I don't think I do such a hot job at my role of being a Christian. I try, but I fail way too much... too much to even want to talk about.